Thursday 30 April 2015

Vegetable of the Week - Peas

This week's vegetable is green peas! Peas are technically a fruit, but we usually classify them as vegetables. Green peas are an annual plant that provide us with essential nutrition. Peas can be eaten immature, when they are green, or they can be picked at full maturity and are essentially dried, which then can be used in soups, curries, and other dishes. 

Fun fact: Peas aren't just healthy vegetables, they are scientifically important. In 1822, Gregor Mendel used pea plants to study genetics and inheritance. This lead to the principles of Mendelian genetics, which is the basis for genetics today!

Peas are an excellent addition to any garden due to their nitrogen fixing bacteria on their roots. Gardens can become nitrogen deficient if nutrients aren't replaced, so planting peas and other legumes can alleviate this problem.

Peas are quite sugary and starchy, however, they provide dietary fiber, and essential nutrients, like vitamin k,  vitamin c, manganese, copper, vitamin B1 and B6, as well as folate, among other nutrients.

This week's recipe is garlic snap peas! An easy and delicious way of preparing green peas (if you haven't already ate all of them picking them from your garden).


  • 2 tbsp olive oil/canola oil
  • 3 cups sugar snap peas/snow peas
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • Freshly ground pepper and salt


  1. Heat a wok or large skillet on the stove. 
  2. Add the oil and swirl around the pan. 
  3. Add the peas once the oil has had some time to heat up a bit. 
  4. Stir for 3-4 minutes, until the peas have started to soften, but retain their crispness.
  5. Add the garlic and stir for one minutes
  6. Season with salt and pepper and enjoy!


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